Superstar Singing
singing confidence
Perfect Pitch
Voice Strength
Stage Performance
Amazing karaoke
Incredible vocal Range


With so much of today’s new music, there’s little room for those old traditional vocal lessons. Boring, frustrating, and oftentimes ineffective, they certainly won’t get you to a real superstar level.
This is precisely why I set out to create an enjoyable, fun, and compelling system of delivering the real-world vocal performing techniques that I’ve taught to more than a handful of ridiculously famous and successful singers.
My top desires are to make things entertaining while ditching the mundane, tedious, and just-plain-useless stuff that won’t help you sing or perform at a world-class level.
What I’m offering you is a power-packed, ridiculously fun, and highly effective voice training program that’ll have you singing, entertaining, and unleashing that incredible voice you were born with… Quickly and easily.

Let’s Get Started
Conquer stage fright and performance anxiety once and for all.
Unlock the mysteries that famous performers are keeping to themselves.
Be entertained with some wildly fun and unique voice gymnastics you’ve never seen.
And so much more…

Born in Hollywood and raised in the entertainment business, rubbed elbows with the most famous of superstars, trained with the most prestigious of coaches and musicians, I recorded my first internationally distributed vinyl record when I was only 11 years old.
I’ve worked and trained countless superstars that have celebrated multi-platinum selling status. Some of my students have performed at the Grammy Awards, and People’s Choice Award ceremonies, on MTV, toured the world’s largest stages, have performed at the White House before the President of the United States, and a myriad of other platforms.
Some of the wonderful people I have trained celebrate incredible levels of success in the entertainment industry adorning Gold and Platinum album awards, packed stadiums, undeniable fame and popularity.
My techniques work, what I teach is fun, easy and best of all, extremely effective.